Birck, Aage


Aage Birck is born in Copenhagen in 1941. Aage and the German Heidi Guthmann Birck met in a workshop in a small town east of Paris in 1963. The ceramist Aage and sculptor Heidi run a workshop together since 1965. The couple married in 1966. 1970 they moved to Ålkær in Jutland. Main activity as ceramist and sculptor. 1980 - 1985 Member of the exhibition group Multi Mud together with Karen Bennicke, Lene Regius, Heidi Guthmann Birck and Gunnar Palander. 1986 Moves to Haderslev. House, studio and showroom. 1987 - 1998 Guest teacher at the School of Arts and Crafts in Kolding. Since 1993 works as tutor. 1988 Artist in residence: International Salt Glaze Symposium. International Ceramic Studio, Kecskemet, Hungary. 1990 Second workshop with wood-fired salt-firing kiln in Halk. 1993 Member of the founding group of Danmarks Keramikmuseum Grimmerhus in Middelfart. 1994 curator of the exhibition "Unikat - New Ceramics from Denmark" at Keramion, Frechen. 2001 Danish curator for the Ceramic Triennale in Karpfenberg, Austria. 2002 Artist in residence: International Ceramic Studio, Kecskemet, Hungary. 2005 and 2008 Jury member International Triennial of Silicate Arts, International Ceramic Studio, Kecskemet, Hungary.

Aage Birck is an award-winning ceramist. He has participated in many exhibitions at home and abroad, e.g. in Germany, Hungary, Sweden and the Netherlands.

Images: Aage Birck, portrait (source Archiv Keramikmuseet Grimmerhus Middelfahrt DK); Aage Birck with some of his works (source website artist); lidded urn, former collection J.W.N. van Achterbergh (source Modernity Sweden); salt glaze geometric object with block cutter (source website artist).






Aage Birck combines classical ceramic forms with angular geometric protrusions and salt glaze finishes. He begins with simple vessel forms, which he then contorts into sharp-edged planes and surfaces that reflect a mid-century modernist sensibility. In some works, he follows a readymade thread, crafting artworks that echo the tools in his studio; in others, he affixes iron objects to the ceramics, which introduce a rigidity and solidity to the fragile medium. Salt glazes unify Birck’s body of work; the black-speckled surfaces create visual texture and the appearance of natural aging (text source Artsy).