Wim Borst (NL), two identical spatial trapezium-shaped...Architectural ceramics
Gerlach van Beinum (Baas) (NL), tall three-part block...Architectural ceramics
Vibeka Andersen (DK) - large architectural geometric...Architectural ceramics
Tjok Dessauvage (BE), low, wide pot sculpture, open dark...Architectural ceramics
Rita Ternes (DE), folded and decorated plate, titled '...Architectural ceramics
Aage Birck (DK), geometric sculpture, casted ceramic...Architectural ceramics
Tjok Dessauvage (BE), large potsculpture, formed in a...Architectural ceramics
Wouter Dam (NL), imposing handthrown bowl with upright...Architectural ceramics
Maria van kesteren (NL), a very large wood-turned bowl,...Architectural ceramics
Anne van der Waerden (NL), an ingenious trapezoidal...Architectural ceramics