Mathieu Casseau (FR), straight bowl, turned on the wheel...Studio Pottery
Gyb Zaalberg NL), large, tall and heavy cylindrical vase...Studio Pottery
Jan de Rooden (NL), fine large bowl, turned on the wheel...Studio Pottery
Beate Nieuwenburg-Reinheimer (DE/NL), vase, thrown on...Studio Pottery
Lou Manche (NL) and Marlies Diels-Schnauck (DE/NL/USA),...Studio Pottery
By the artists' collective Lou Manche (NL) and Marlies...Studio Pottery
Ursula Scheid (DE), very large wide "floating" bowl on...Studio Pottery
Gijb Zaalberg (NL) - a very large and heavy hand-thrown...Studio Pottery
Detlef Kunen (DE), cylindrical vase, thrown on the wheel...Studio Pottery
Silvia Beghè (IT), fine double-walled low bowl, thrown...Studio Pottery